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아이러브초코를 이용하신 후기를 올려주세요

상품 게시판 상세
제목 매우 달아요~
작성자 문정화 (ip:)
  • 평점 4점  
  • 작성일 2009-11-18
  • 추천 16 추천하기
  • 조회수 878

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템퍼링을 위해 녹이고 나면 초코바의 카라멜 만큼 달아요.. 물론 초콜릿 향은 나지요.

향은 좋아요.

첫맛은 아 달다 끝맛은 산뜻해요..


아 ..참고 하실것은


코코아버터가 23.8% 코코아매스 11.3% 전지분유 22.4%

제조사는 바리 칼리바우트사 . 원산지는 벨기에

여기에 너무 정보가 적은 것 같아서요..


위 보시다 시피 버터가 더 많아서

매우 단거 좋아하시는 분께 추천..

아니면 다크랄 반반 섞으면 안성 맞춤이예요

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비밀번호 삭제하려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
  • PROXYxUnblock 2010-02-07 0점
    수정 삭제 댓글
    스팸글 [url=http://www.unblocksproxy.com]UNBLOCK TWITTER PROXY [/url]

    If , perhaps you want to bypass a proxy server, be it while at work or at school, you have two options open up to you. The first is straight forward and easy and involves only your web browser. The second is a bit more complex but could be necessary if the first solution does not deliver.

    Should you be lucky enough, bypassing the proxy at your work or school may be as simple as disabling it in your web browser. Check the internet connection settings of your web browser and check to see if the proxy server details are put in place in your web browser. Whenever they are, try to disable them and connect to online again. Many timesthat with some luck the proxy server is disabled but you are now able to access the web normally.

    Many schools or offices block specific websites (such as social networking or classified sites) and furthermore this is usually why you may have trouble accessing them. They did this usually with the goal of stopping students or employees from wasting valuable time online visiting unproductive websites. However, your school or office does not and cannot block the entire internet. Instead they block specific websites determined by their site link. Therefore, you are free to access a proxy server which then redirects your connection to your desired website allowing you to access the blocked website even from work or school.

    To bypass a proxy server, first check to see if your web browser at work or school is setup to access the proxy. Disable it and try again. As a last resort, you may need to setup your own elite proxy in order to access websites while at work or school.

    [url=http://www.unblocksproxy.com?BYPASS+MYSPACE]BYPASS BEBO PROXY [/url]
    수정 삭제 댓글
    스팸글 [url=http://www.unblocksproxy.com?bypass-myspace-proxy]UNBLOCK AIM PROXY [/url]

    Truth be told , there are no shortage of procedures to waste time in these days of technological stimulation. And, some of Americans' favorite ways is by watching helpfuland humorous videos on youtube. But, lately, wasting time has started to take some work. Certainly advised by efficiency consultants, many businessess have preferred to block web 20 sites like gmail, youtube and myspace in an effort to curb wasted hours of production. But, what when you've got a legitimate goal for reading these websites, perhaps either for research or to help you develop some creative ideas? Whether you do have a good reason or you are just stubborn about passing time at work, you can learn how to unblock AOL by bypassing your company's defense mechanisms through an open "unblock proxy."

    From the early days of the Internet, most companies were more willing to stop sites by analyzing subject content rather then the specific web sites, themselves. They selected software to prohibit employees from visiting sites labeled "personal" or "casino." Nonetheless, as sites like youtube, myspace, facebook and digg rose to prominence, it became clear to many that firms would begin breaking down on websites that promoted procrastination. And that they did. In recent times, it can be difficult to find offices that still allow their experts to visit these web 2 . 0 sites. However, if you want to know how to unblock bebo, you first have to knowhow it's blocked initially.

    Obstructing a specific site network-wide is simply not a difficult task. Most corporations simply enter in the link into their "blocked sites" list and then the deed is done. Unblocking internet sites closed under these techniques is not difficult either with the use of a very simple unblock proxy. So, what exactly is an unblock proxy? The actual explanation is that an unblock proxy is basically like opening a new web browser that is free from your businesses restrictions. A good thing about an unblock proxy is it can be generally free and would not require software set up. How do you find one? An easy search should do the trick. Just type in "unblock proxy" within your preferred search engine and you'll find sufficient free proxies that will do the trick.

    [url=http://www.unblocksproxy.com?BYPASS+MYSPACE]BYPASS CRAIGSLIST PROXY [/url]
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